Technology : OpenSource
Industry : CMS
Description : Humanitas is known in as an IRCCS (a Scientific Institute of Admission and Care)in Italy that has been recognised by the Ministry of Health and Lombardy’s Regional Government as a center of excellence in terms of quality of its health care services and its ability to translate the results of research and innovation into everyday clinical practice.It is also a teaching center for the University of Milan’s International Medical School Nursing and Biotechnologies and is a hospital with an integrated highly specialised, multidisciplinary approach.From cardio surgery to orthopedics, and from oncology to neurosurgery. Our experties in different industries
CorporateCMSJewelleryBusiness To BusinessE-MarketingBusiness DirectoryMusicSocial NetworkingSupport SystemSurveyRestaurantClassifiedMedicalE-LearningEntertainmentAdministrative SystemJob PortalEducationBeautyLife StyleHosting ServiceAdvertisingWeddingeCommerce
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