Original Threads
Technology : OpenSource
Industry : Fashion
Description : Original Threads is an online eCommerce portal in Australia on which users may shop the clothes they require.When user selects the clothes that are required then they will be added directly to the cart which enables users rather than selecting each item and paying for individual user can pay at the end when the respective shopping completes.User basing on the shopping requirement and interest has to login as a member may be as a retail or wholesale.Users can have complete shopping on this portal as it bears clothes of men,women and kids also.Users can directly pay through the site as payment gateways are embedded in to the portal Our experties in different industries
CorporateCMSJewelleryBusiness To BusinessE-MarketingBusiness DirectoryMusicSocial NetworkingSupport SystemSurveyRestaurantClassifiedMedicalE-LearningEntertainmentAdministrative SystemJob PortalEducationBeautyLife StyleHosting ServiceAdvertisingWeddingeCommerce
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